We’re excited to get started with you!
Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis Report
Blood tests have been used as a tool for measuring health for a long time. However, they have been used primarily as a means for diagnosing disease. Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis is a fresh new look at an old tool of measure with the intention of preventing disease before it takes ahold of one’s health. It is a patient-centric rather than disease centric approach to healthcare.
We offer a comprehensive, functional medicine based analysis of your blood chemistry. You can use the testing from your doctor or lab work you may have gotten drawn on your own, to uncover nutrient deficiencies, metabolic issues, and a range of other issues that your conventional medical doctor probably didn’t explore nor explain to you. Once your results are in, we will discuss with you what they mean and how you can use this vital information to speed your body’s recovery time by addressing the root health cause.

Toxicity Testing
Are you questioning if you have toxic build up?
Want to see if you are a candidate for True Cellular Detox before diving in?
Great, we have just the thing for you! Three in-home simple tests that can show you where you are as it relates to cellular toxins and possible cell damage. This can also be a baseline for you, should you need to move forward with the detox.
Meta-Oxy- Test for cellular inflammation on a cellular level using an easy at-home urine analysis (which has been shown to be 50 times more accurate than a blood test).
Visual Contrast Sensitivity- VCS measures your ability to see details at low contrast levels and is often used as a nonspecific test of neurological function. It is similar to a standard audiometry hearing test. This online contrast sensitivity test is identical to the Functional Acuity Contrast Test used by Dr, Shoemaker and others involved in neurotoxin research.
Neurotoxicity Questionnaire- This test asks a series of questions that relate to heavy metal toxicity, biotoxic illness, and general toxcity. It is a simple and effective way to determine neurotoxicity. These three test are also used in the TCD program as a way to view progress.