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How long have you been doing what you do and how did you get to be a functional medicine/health expert and wellness educator?
I have been in the holistic health care field for over 2 decades.
I started reading a medical collection of books and medical encyclopedias during the 5th grade. I was trying to improve my reading skills so that I could get out of the special reading classes. (seriously).
Growing up, I often heard the elders talk about sugar pills and water pills that the doctor prescribed for them. When going to the doctor with family members, I would hear things like, “these issues are hereditary.” I’m still not quite sure how, but I soon started to realize that if we made some changes in the things we were doing (eating little to no veggies, lack of exercising, alcohol, and smoking) we could be healthier. My senior year of high school a friend and I decided to take red meat and pork out of our diets. During my college years, I decided to go vegetarian, then later vegan. I just knew I had to do something different if I didn’t want to have the same health issues my family was suffering from. I also knew that I wanted my children to never have to deal with those sorts of health issues either. This is when I decided to dive deep into health, nutrition, and lifestyle habits. I came upon a nurse who encouraged me to explore chiropractic care. Little did I know that would be the beginning of it all.
I worked in the holistic field over the years with 5 amazing doctors that personally trained me. I became certified in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupressure, Kinesiology, Nutrition, Spinal Decompression Machinery, Energy Medicine, Radiologist Technology, Supplementation and extensive information on the Endocrine System. This lead me to obtaining Board Certifications as well as plenty of hands-on experience…. which I greatly appreciate.
Who are your clients, exactly?
My clients are highly motivated people who are serious about improving their health, so they don’t have to struggle with health issues for the rest of their lives. They know they have to do something different and are ready to start taking actionable steps, but are not sure where to start.
What happens if you have yet to worked with someone like me?
Natural health is based on many basic principles that I understand well, such as detoxification and sound digestive health. I love investigating and problem-solving health issues. I continuously keep my nose in scientific studies. I also have a team of practitioners, herbalist and others I brainstorm with on tough cases. You’re not only getting me, but you get a wonderful collection of doctors and specialists that I value very much.
How are you different from other holistic and functional practitioners?
My beliefs and values deeply align with those of the practitioners who make up the functional and holistic medicine movement. The differences would be;
- I create a professional/personal friendship with my clients, and they have quick daily access to me and my team.
- I assist my clients in learning how to advocate for themselves.
- We help our clients build a team of wellness practitioner in their community to assist them along their journey.
- For those in different states, countries, busy schedules; we have HIPAA compliant video sessions. (via our Practice Better video conferencing). This allows you to have sessions from the comfort of your home or hotel room. All you need is the internet and your cell phone or computer.
Having raised my children in a holistic lifestyle over the past 26 years and having them continue to live the same holistic lifestyle. Gives me great pleasure in knowing that I educated them in a way that made it make sense without them ever straying away.

What type of people do you work best with and what is expected of them?
My program is designed to help people who know they have to do something different but unsure where to start first. They are open to retry things they may have already tried, ready to invest the time and energy, ready to diving deep into themselves to find the root cause of their health issues that may have been there for years or just starting. They want to help their family and loved ones to improve their health and break poor family habits.
Their life may be demanding, and there may be things on their to-do list that aren’t getting much attention. They may have big dreams and health goals they’d like to reach this year.
Whatever it is, I’m here to help support them with their vision and achieve their biggest goals. What is expected is their honesty, commitment to themselves and being coachable.
This is something we can talk about during their initial assessment.
What type of person will NOT do well with this program?
I am selective about whom I work one on one with for the Road to Wellness Program, I cherry-pick my clients, choosing to (gently) turn away people who aren’t suited to a relationship like the ones I enjoy with my clients. This is because I want all of my clients to see the results.
I typically don’t work with people who are okay with having poor health and aren’t ready to make somemindset or lifestyle changes to get the results they desire. People who are not ready to confront past issues and still holding on to excuses and reasons as to why they can’t have the health and life they desire. Those who are not ready to put themselves first for a while. This makes it very challenging to get the results and health and goals they deserve to have.
What does working with you look like?
Imagine talking with that friend you love bouncing ideas off of and hanging out with, no matter how long it been you guys pick right back up where you left off. That person you can laugh or cry with and feel open and honest enough to truly be yourself and know that there is no judgment and they have nothing but the best intentions for you and your family. That person that can be brutally honest with you from a loving place and lead or push you to stay focused on your goals. This type of relationship allows you to be educated, empowered and inspired to build health no matter where you are in your health journey or where you are in the world.
Will working with you really save me time?
Yes! The time you spend worrying and researching can be spent implementing the changes. You can also use that time to effectively focus on building up your health and better or new relationships with yourself and others.
What results can I expect?
You can expect to:
- Understand and value what true health is and how to attain it for the rest of your life
- Develop a wellness mindset
- Feel more in control of your health actions and outcomes allowing you to better control the direction of your health and life
- Know yourself inside out, allowing you to clarify your passion, purpose and plan to better align your health vision
- Be more solution-focused and not fear focused
- Fall in love with the process of taking care of yourself
- Bridge the gap between where you are and where you want your health to be
- Increase the ability to allow your body to rebuild, repair and recover itself innately
- Enjoy your life more and be more grateful
- Achieve better personal advice with actionable steps to do and maintain long term results
- Make healthy choices from a place of knowledge and understanding not fear
- Reach more health milestones and learn to celebrate them
- Have a better understanding of your belief, values, and habits and how they affect your health
- Have a Health Plan and Wellness Team of experts that are working together to build health and reduce your risk of ill health
- Improved focus, stamina, and less brain fog
- Develop dialect to understand and communicate with your doctors more effectively
- Never need to use a fad diet ever again in LIFE!!
How quickly can I expect results?
That depends on so many factors and how committed and consistent you can be. It also depends on if you are looking for symptom relief vs habit and lifestyle transitioning. Some people feel better after speaking with me because they have a better understanding and have already started to shift their mindset to healing, not survival mode.
Can I contact some of your former clients to see what it’s like to work with you?
No, but I do have testimonial up and available and REMEMBER you are the most important person and your results are all that matters to me when we are working together. What we do together will differ from any other, as it should because even two people with the same issue could have arrived at that point for totally different reasons.
How can I guarantee myself the above results, in record time?
It is important to understand that you did not lose your health overnight, it took years for you to get where you are, and you won’t get it back overnight. This isn’t a “quick fix” method. It is a method that leads to long-term success! It can take up to a year to plant the seeds and fertilize a powerful healthy body and mindset that effectively provide you with the results you want.
Do people ever re-up?
No, People do not generally have to re-up unless they did not follow my initial recommendations. After they complete a program successfully they go into our Maintenance Program. Here I have worked with clients for many years as a Personal Health Advocate. I’ll be there with you as you continue to expand your knowledge and wellness wings.
Do you accept Insurance and what form of payment do you accept?
No, fortunately, I do not accept insurance. This means we get to work together with no limitations as to what your insurance provider would or would not pay for. This ups the value of your health and allows you to reach your goals without limitations.

What’s the investment?
Your time is the biggest investment being that is the only thing we can never get more of. Because everyone comes in the program with a different understanding and goals it is hard to pinpoint how much time you will need to invest until we investigate everything. I would say at the very least 3 hours a month for the bare minimum. There is also a financial investment depending on which program you select. Make sure you check out the Work With Me page to get an idea of the investment ranges.
OK, I know I want to move forward with you in the Road To Wellness Program. How do we get started?
Great! Let’s start by getting acquainted on the phone or via our HIPAA compliant video conferencing. Please book an initial assessment with me and email or fax any lab work over at least 3 days before your appointment. This will give you some time to thoroughly complete our health assessment and allow me you be prepared for our chat.
If I’m not sure I’m ready to get started, how can I sample your work at low cost to see if it’s the right solution for me?
Our Initial Assessment is a perfect way to experience my work in direct relationship to your specific health concerns. This is where we decide if we are an ideal fit and if we should move forward. If one of us feel you shouldn’t move forward, you walk away with a better understanding of your health and a direction of possible alternatives you can take.
I have a family and a busy life. Although I want to be able to learn as much as I can about my health and how to fix it, I don’t have much time to spare. How much time do I need successful get results?
Once we decide if we are a good fit and the Road To Wellness Program is right for you, we’ll meet twice a month for 50 minutes, you have access to the client portal that is filled with information that you can access at your own pace and our app gives you quick access to me and my team daily for best results. It takes about 1-3 minutes a few times a day depending on your dedication, commitment, and lifestyle. A minimum of 3 hours a month. With our Self Study Programs and True Cellular Detox Program you can choose how much time and how fast or slow you would like to go to complete that program.
OK, I’m ready to do this for myself, but I have a couple of additional questions. What should I do now?
You can simply email me your questions [email protected] and myself or my team will be happy to answer them.